Tech Innovation, Investment & Business Development

The India-UK-UAE business corridor has never had more potential than now. With unprecedented growth of Tech Innovation, Investment and businesses across India UK & UAE, partnerships are the way to go. Saif assists potential stakeholders with legal, strategic and go-to-market advice. In collaboration with key professionals in the Corridor, he helps build cross-border corporate presence via 3Cs. 

As Legal Counsel and Strategy Advisor to the London-based Zone Capital Advisors Limited and Tech India Advocates, Saif plays a key role in championing the India-UK tech innovation, investment and business agenda to support international trade.


Consult with legal, strategic and market experts who assist in building cross-border presence, especially in the Tech Innovation and Investment sector

Cooperation between tech communities, academics and policy makers to build a legally sustainable India-UK-UAE eco-system to minimize dispute risks

Connect with investors, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and innovators through commercially viable agreements

Dispute Resolution

Saif also specialises in resolution of cross-border commercial disputes as well as commercial and civil disputes within the Indian jurisdiction involving stakes in India. He has successfully handled a wide array of high-profile property, real estate and succession disputes throughout India for non-residents and rendered cutting-edge legal advice for mitigation of damages in the shortest possible time.

He strongly believes in resolution of disputes through well-conceived advice founded on legal, commercial and human realities.